Today's general news on Friday, 2023.12.08

Today's general news on Friday, 2023.12.08 #Republic of Korea

● The People's Power Innovation Committee, which was launched to change the party after the crushing defeat in the by-election of the head of Gangseo-gu, Seoul, decided to disband early even though the deadline was left. The party leadership, which said it would give full power, clashed with the Innovation Committee over the innovation plan not to run for pro-Yoon and senior members, and it is pointed out that the core demands of the Innovation Committee are dismantled empty-handed as nothing is accepted. 

● The Democratic Party of Korea is reporting today's general news on Friday, 2023.12.08

● The People's Power Innovation Committee, which was launched to change the party after the crushing defeat in the by-election of the head of Gangseo-gu, Seoul, decided to disband early even though the deadline was left. The party leadership, which said it would give full power, clashed with the Innovation Committee over the innovation plan not to run for pro-Yoon and senior members, and it is pointed out that the core demands of the Innovation Committee are dismantled empty-handed as nothing is accepted. 

● The Democratic Party of Korea has decided to significantly increase the proportion of rights members at the party convention to select party leaders and supreme council members. The non-government circles strongly protested that the pro-Lee Jae-myung leadership intended to continue to dominate the party, but factional conflicts are growing ahead of the general election. 

● Song Young-gil, the former representative of the Democratic Party of Korea, who is cited as the final beneficiary of the alleged money envelope, will appear at the prosecution today. This is the first summoning investigation since the investigation began in April. With his aides handed over to trial first, the prosecution is expected to focus on proving the link with former representative Song. 

● Lee Jung-sup, former deputy prosecutor at Suwon District Prosecutors' Office, who was in charge of investigating the alleged remittance of Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung to North Korea. He is now being investigated by the prosecution due to allegations of misconduct related to his wife's golf course. Lee's brother-in-law's wife, who exposed the allegations, attended the prosecution and was questioned. 

● At the plenary session of the National Assembly today, President Yoon Suk Yeol will vote again on the Yellow Envelope Act and the Broadcasting Act, which he exercised his right to request reconsideration. In addition, next year's budget, which the ruling and opposition parties have not yet agreed on, will be processed at the plenary session on the 20th. 

● The incident in which the North Korean military fired shots at a South Korean government official adrift in the West Sea and even incinerated the body. At the time, the Moon Jae Inn government said several times that the deceased government official was believed to have voluntarily defected to the North, but the Board of Audit and Inspection concluded that the North was actually driven to the North due to cover-up and distortion. 

● As the Israeli military expands its urban warfare into southern Gaza, civilian casualties are snowballing. Mr. Netanyahu has warned Hezbollah that if it starts an all-out war against Israel, it will turn southern Lebanon into Gaza. 

● The Chinese government has issued a warning against child pneumonia spreading throughout China for the first time since the COVID-19 outbreak. Our education authorities have also advised against going to school or going to school if you have suspicious symptoms. 

● Seychelles, an African island country famous for its honeymoon destinations, has been declared a national emergency due to flooding and explosions. Three people were killed in the floods and more than 60 people were injured in the explosions. 

● Two men in their 20s tried to make an extreme choice in the car and all of them were rescued. However, on the same day, a woman in her 20s, the owner of the vehicle, was found dead at her home, and the police launched an investigation. The police first arrested a man who had returned to consciousness. 

● CJ Olive Young, the largest distributor of health and beauty products in Korea, was caught by the Fair Trade Commission for so-called overuse of power against suppliers. CJ Olive Young is considered a key affiliate in the process of succeeding CJ Group's management rights. 

● You've seen a YouTube ad promoting diet products because actors are turned into doctors and pharmacists. There are health functional foods that attract consumers' attention with these fake advertisements, and there was even an advertisement that made it plausible by renting a real pharmacy.

[이광석 기자]

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